Hello! I’m Fede, a mama and a children’s illustrator and pattern designer living in Italy.
My Story
Since I was a child, I’ve always shown a passion for animals and I was lucky enough to grow up in a big house with a giant garden, full of insects, birds, frogs, and pets! Because of my huge love for animals and my dedication to my studies, I’ve always wanted to become a veterinarian. I studied hard and managed to make my dream come true.
I never ever considered the possibility of another career, especially in the art field. Despite the fact I usually spent so many hours in my room drawing and imagining stories, I was taught that artistic studies would not guarantee me a job, so I naturally followed other passions. It took me years to discover what I really love and how to make a job out of it, but look now: I am here to show you my art proudly!
After my first baby was born I was finally able to dedicate myself to drawing, painting, create and now I am a full-time illustrator and designer. I could not ignore my previous job and studies, so you will find in my illustrations a lot of animals, that are still the center of my days, but as models now! I love to represent animals in a realistic way but accessible to children: I hope to bring future generations closer to nature and to help them know and understand the language of animals and life.
I now live and work in a tiny house with a beautiful garden, right outside a small cute city in Italy, together with my husband, my baby boy, and my lovely cat.
Thank you for visiting my website!